“Making human, animals and crop life safer”

In this age of disease outbreaks, epidemics and at worse, pandemics – the importance of biosecurity must never be understated if we want to maintain a disease-free environment. Ease of movement enhanced the mobility of harmful microorganisms between places with distance not being a factor, putting everyone at risk of getting infected.

African Swine Fever and Avian Influenza in animals; blights and insect infestations in crops; disease epidemics and the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic; all their effects could be lessened with the integration of adequate and timely biosecurity measures. Measures previously overlooked by people and institutions have now proven to be very important in the course of living and livelihood, and must be an integral part of such processes.

In food production, Biosecurity is not confined to the farms. It must also be present during post-harvest, processing up to the point where it reaches the consumer in the form of finished product. Biosecurity management practices must ensure that the product is safe for consumption and free from microorganisms that could harm the consumer’s health.

ORSUS CHEMICALS is engaged in the provision of products and technical support to entities needing Biosecurity management in their workplaces – Animal farms; feedmills;  plantantions; manufacturing plants; food processing; dressing and slaughter plants; dairy plants; kennels; market places; clinics and hospitals; malls and supermarkets; and many more. We provide our customers with products and guidance on the following Biosecurity management principles:

    • Bio-exclusion
    • Bio-management
    • and Bio-containment

We have the most complete products portfolio to attain a high standard of Biosecurity for a disease-free working environment and more profitable business.

Photo by Philip Balagot